Category Archives: Motivation

Your Actions Dictate Your Outcome By Josh Hinds

Consider for a moment that your life is not static. The way things are, aren’t simply, the way things are.

Friend, you have the ability to craft your life as you wish it to be. While it is true that the place you are now may very well have to do with decisions you made, or in the rare instance, those made for you by others (whether you were a willing participant or not) the fact remains that different decisions, different actions can allow you to change the path you’re on.… Read the rest of the article

Helping Others to Work Through Grief and Loss By Josh Hinds

I offer these thoughts not as some self proclaimed expert, but rather as someone who has had the unique experience of dealing with the loss of loved ones thrust upon me at a relatively young age.

In junior high school my grandfather passed away, then just shy of high school graduation one of my best friends was killed, and then just a few short years later my father died unexpectedly. I’ve also experienced varying degrees of loss along the way.… Read the rest of the article

Just for Today By Josh Hinds

Just for today choose to slow down just a bit. Make the decision to watch a sunset — or if you’re an early riser, a sunrise. Decide that during this time you will block out any
apprehension you might be feeling for what’s going on in your life, just long enough to fully be in the moment.

Encourage and Inspire Others…

Make the choice to reach out to the person who appears to be alone — you might make a new friend or trusted colleague.… Read the rest of the article

The Unseen Benefits of Doing Good By Josh Hinds

I dare say that every day brings with it the opportunity to share a kind act with another. Yet, if we’re honest with ourselves we can all recount a time where we have neglected to do so. With life moving so fast, and all the demands it can place on us it is no wonder we end up forgetting to pass out those kind gestures from time to time.

Unfortunately, if we neglect to do so we also miss out on the many benefits which are afforded to those who take the time to do so.… Read the rest of the article

As You Do, You Become By Josh Hinds

People often ask me how to get started in a particular business or endeavor they want to pursue. To put it simply, my advice is to get started, to begin at least to some degree, as quickly as possible — even if they don’t have all the specifics figured out exactly right to begin with.

My rationale for this thinking is actually grounded in sound life experience. I have seen time and time again, in not only my own life, but those of many others that it has amazing way of filling in the details or supplying the people and or resources when they’re needed for the person who chooses not to let perfection get in the way of their trying a thing or undertaking their endeavors.… Read the rest of the article

Mental Movies – Start Your Day Off Right By Josh Hinds

If you’re like most people you hop right out of bed without giving much thought to it. Instead, consider taking just a few extra minutes to set the tone for your day by running
through the positive outcomes you want to experience in your mind. Run through the goals you’re currently working on.

In your mind play out a mental movie of yourself doing the steps, and accomplishing whatever is required of you to see things through. Fully experience the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you’ll have as a result of achieving the things you’re currently working on.… Read the rest of the article