Category Archives: Motivation

Don’t Let Them Fool YOU, Opportunity is Alive and Well By Josh Hinds

Rise above those who attempt to convince you that forces outside yourself are keeping you from your full potential.

Sadly, more and more often I’m seeing way too many people falling in line with the idea that sources outside themselves are somehow responsible for keeping them down. Keeping them from opportunities. Keeping them from better jobs. Holding them back from earning more money. Keeping them from a better education. The list goes on and on.

Friend, you can adopt that philosophy if you wish.… Read the rest of the article

Planning Plus Commitment Draws Your Dreams Closer to You By Josh Hinds

If you want to reach your goals, be they in business or your personal life, consider that you have two basic choices.

One, you can either respond as things popup through out your day, week, or on the fly — or you can make the decision to plan, and to the best of your ability work the plan you have laid out for yourself.

Friend, certainly there will be times where life throws unexpected challenges your way which may take you off your plan, but even in such instances where this occurs you will be much better off if you’ve taken the time to put into place a plan to bring you back to where you need to be then without one.… Read the rest of the article

A Success Philosophy to Consider

“If you do your best, stay in the game, learn along the way, and adapt as best you can, life has an incredible way of filling in the details for you.” — Josh Hinds

I’m guessing if you’re really honest with yourself you can recount a time or two (or more!) in your life where the quote above held true for you. If you’re in a place in your life where you find it easy to discount the idea above then stop, and grab a piece of paper.… Read the rest of the article

Bridging the Gap Between Intention and Action By Josh Hinds

Friend, good intentions, no matter how well meaning they may be are simply not enough to get you to a place of achievement. Certainly, it is a good first step, but make no mistake, it is just that… a first step in the right direction.

Most people have very little problem with this part of the achievement process. They take the time to ponder and carefully think out what it is they want to achieve. Some even go as far as to layout a clear understanding of why they truly want to accomplish whatever it is that they have deemed to be a worthwhile undertaking.… Read the rest of the article

Josh Hinds Presentation – On taking action and unleashing your greatness

This is a video clip from a presentation I gave to a group made up of mostly entrepreneurs, small business owners and those in the sales profession. In the following clip I discuss the importance of taking action — as well as how critical it is that you believe in your greatness.

I hope you find the presentation inspiring and if you would like to share your thoughts on it please do so in the comments below…

It’s your life, LIVE BIG!… Read the rest of the article

Write It Down To Get It Done By Josh Hinds

If you want to remember something, be sure to write it down. If you’ve heard that said once, you have heard it a million times. For good reason I might add. It’s solid advice.

When it comes to accomplishing things, in most cases we tend to over complicate the process. Certainly, in some instances there is a basic learning curve that might be required to overcome (notice the emphasis on basic). That said, you will give yourself a better then average chance of accomplishing more, more often if you will develop the habit of writing down what you want to achieve.… Read the rest of the article