Inspirational Quotes

What follows is a collection of motivational quotes by inspirational author and business motivational speaker, Josh Hinds.

It’s my sincere hope that you find them to be encouraging and motivating 🙂

“Success is the prize for those who stand true to their ideas!” — Josh Hinds


“Great adversity will either build you up, or tear you down, depending on how you choose to frame it.”
— Josh Hinds


“When you focus on seeing the positive side of life all sorts of opportunities come out of hiding”
— Josh Hinds


“Living BIG is all about deciding to live by choice over chance.” — Josh Hinds


“Success requires resilience. It gives us the strength to face our challenges and the courage to overcome them. It is both the spark and the fuel that keeps us in the game. You will be unstoppable if you make resilience work for you.” — Josh Hinds


“When you focus on seeing the positive side of life all sorts of opportunities begin to reveal themselves” — Josh S. Hinds


“I believe a little bit of success lies in everyone! Will you be the one to deny that? Or rather be the one who chooses to be guided by it? I hope you choose as I to do the latter! — Josh S. Hinds


“A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. Practice being a doer!” — Josh S. Hinds


“Take a step forward in the direction of your dreams today. Believe in yourself and the power within you to make it happen. Don’t wait for tomorrow, instead, get on with creating your success story now!” — Josh Hinds


“Business is a game. The minute you think of it any differently it ceases to be fun and immediately begins to control your life and ultimately drives you crazy with wild obsessions & eventually ruins your family life. Keep things in perspective. First family, second friends, and third your business. Practice this and you’ll be much happier for it. And your business will be much happier as well.”
— Josh Hinds


“Life’s like a boomerang. The more good you throw out, the more you receive in return.” — Josh Hinds


“Play the smiling game in your daily life. See how many people you can get to smile back at you. Keep score and tally the results at the end of each day.” — Josh Hinds


Take time-out 1/2 way through your day to ask “what have I done today?” — then act on your thoughts! Chances are if it was enough for you to ponder it, success is not far behind! — Josh Hinds


“Keys to success… Research your idea, Plan for success, Expect success, & just plain do it! It amazes me how many people skip the last step! Practice being a “doer” and success will follow you every step of the way!” — Josh Hinds


“Spend more time asking why not. There are far too many folks saying things can’t be done. The problem is that they’re often left behind by the ones making things happen! Don’t fall into this trap.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Set out each and everyday to enjoy the journey. When you enjoy the things you’re doing you perform better. It’s all about applying the law of least resistance.” — Josh Hinds


“Heading out in the direction of one’s dreams is not for the faint of heart. At times it is true that you may feel fear and doubt. You may feel as though the result you long for is nowhere in sight. Friend, don’t succumb to your fear of failure — stay the course, because very often it is just beyond the point where we experience the most doubt that opportunity opens up and literally pulls us in the direction of our dreams.” — Josh Hinds


“Ambition is not something that’s reserved for only the lucky few. If you don’t believe that, look closely at the lives of those who have succeeded in various undertakings and you’ll notice that many high achievers come from low socioeconomic backgrounds just as they do from wealthy families. While there are those who would lead us to believe that success in a given endeavor is somehow out of our reach simply because of our background in reality nothing could be further from the truth. What is required of success is a persons willingness to acquire the needed skills, and the persistence to stay on task until their dreams are realized. Greatness is indeed a part of who you are — never forget that.” — Josh Hinds


“Take a moment to figure out one thing, that if completed would have a positive impact on your sense of accomplishment. Got it? Awesome… Now implement it!” — Josh Hinds


“Keep the wind in your sails (and those of others) by celebrating daily successes and wins. Doing so builds your belief system!”
— Josh S. Hinds


“To standout in your job transcend your title — there are plenty of folks who will tell others how to do things, far fewer will show and lead.” — Josh S. Hinds


“To standout in your job (and get the rewards that go along with those who do so), transcend your title — there are plenty of folks who will tell others how to do things. Sadly, far fewer will show and lead.” – Josh Hinds


“Go beyond wishing to fulfill your ideas & dreams by making action and persistence your ally. Make “do it now” your motto.”
— Josh S. Hinds


“The actions you take (and those you don’t) become the memories you have. Be sure to make some worthwhile ones each day.”
— Josh Hinds


“When you develop the habit of looking out for others, you inevitably find that you attract those who act in kind.” — Josh S. Hinds


“To stand out in the marketplace collect other peoples 30 second elevator pitches instead of focusing on opportunities to share your own.” — Josh Hinds


“To stand out in the marketplace collect other people’s business cards, instead of simply focusing on opportunities to share your own. In short, put the focus on listening to and learning about the other person first.”
— Josh Hinds
(* credit to long-time friend and colleague Bob Burg for teaching me this most important of skills!)


“Take a moment right now to run through your mind, your days preferred outcome. Friend, make the decision to set the tone rather than leaving it up to chance.” — Josh Hinds


“Look at the accomplishments of others not in awe, but for the lessons which can be gleaned. Friend, the lessons can serve you.”
— Josh Hinds


“You’re more amazing than you can possibly know. But it’s up to you to fully accept it as your reality. Start acknowledging it now.”
— Josh S. Hinds


“If you wish to be more influential, spend more time being interested than you do trying to be interesting.”
-— Josh Hinds


“Each day is a new canvas upon which you can paint the portrait of the life you wish to live. Paint with purpose.”
— Josh Hinds


“Don’t wait for others to give you permission to get started. Instead, get going to the best of your ability. Get better as you go. But start!” — Josh S. Hinds


“When it comes to setting out in the direction of your dreams don’t wait for others to give you permission to get started. Instead, get going to the best of your ability now. Get better as you go. But start!” — Josh Hinds


“At times we have the tendency to underestimate our greatness. Don’t be that person! Step back, evaluate how far you’ve come and keep moving!” — Josh S. Hinds


“At times we have the tendency to underestimate our greatness. Don’t be that person. The next time you’re tempted — step back, & honestly evaluate how far you’ve come. Give yourself that well deserved pat on the back and keep on moving!” — Josh Hinds


“Every bridge you burn is one less that might have been there to help you cross over life’s troubled waters in your time of need.”
— Josh Hinds


“If you can render service with a smile you will have positioned yourself in a favorable place simply because so few do this simple act anymore.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Success is the sweet reward for those who remain steadfast in their beliefs and unwavering in the pursuit of their dreams.” — Josh Hinds


“Create and follow a plan, for that’s your compass, but make action your ally as it’s the steam which moves you forward.”
— Josh Hinds


“Your life is made up of a series of moments. Whoops! There goes one right there. Make your next count!”
— Josh Hinds


“Selling isn’t something you do to a person. It’s something you do with them. If you can fully grasp this you’ll attract those who need what you offer.” — Josh Hinds


“The actions we take, or lack thereof determines the life we live. Fortunately we have within us the ability to change our actions if needed.” — Josh Hinds


“Often we find that the belief we acquire for having tried a thing is as important as the end result. The change in our mindset is the prize.” — Josh Hinds


“We grow into what we believe we’re ultimately capable of. That’s why a willingness to take action on your ideas is so critical to your success.”
— Josh Hinds


“Practice building your belief system — what you think you’re capable of. To do so, start with a simple challenge. Achieve and repeat.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Massive action is great if you can muster it. Just don’t underestimate the power of consistent action, big or small.” — Josh Hinds


“You don’t have to hit home runs every time to get where you want to go. Singles and the occasional double and triple will get you there too.” — Josh Hinds


“To strive for a worthy goals is great, just make sure you slow down enough to enjoy the “now” — remember why you’re doing it in the first place.” — Josh Hinds


“The life you wish to live is determined by the actions you’re willing to take. That and your willingness to live on purpose (i.e. having a plan).” — Josh Hinds


“There’s always more than one way to achieve anything. Always ask, “what’s the workaround that I can use to reach my desired outcome?” — Josh S. Hinds


“Have a written plan and work it. Just don’t get so stuck on the details that you lose the sometimes necessary wiggle room to adjust.” — Josh Hinds


“If you can get to a place where you’re genuinely interested in serving others first, you’ll attract people with the same commitment to you.” — Josh Hinds


“Are you living more on purpose, or by chance? Living on purpose starts with a plan and a commitment to work at it. Choose purpose over chance.” — Josh Hinds


“Choose to live on purpose rather than by chance. Start with something as simple as keeping a daily actions list and working it ongoing.” — Josh Hinds


“Spend a little time each day connecting two or more people solely for their benefit. Doing so gets the wheel of opportunity flowing your way.” — Josh Hinds


“The way you start your day makes a big difference. Start yours by recounting the things you have to be grateful for. List 10 things now.” — Josh Hinds


“Life rewards those who aren’t afraid to set out in the direction of their dreams. You’re not always guaranteed to find a clear path, but you will always find it worth the effort.” — Josh Hinds


“To achieve more, you must believe you can be more. Stretch your belief system a little each day. You’re worth the effort! — Josh S. Hinds


“If you study achievers you find that far more “overnight successes” happen overtime, than “overnight”. Find comfort in this because it means if anyone can, then you can too!” — Josh Hinds


“Massive action is great if you can do it. However consistent action creates results too. Don’t forget the story of the tortoise and the hare. — Josh S. Hinds


“Until proven wrong why not act as if everything will go just right today? In doing so you may find that your thoughts steer that very outcome.” — Josh Hinds


“Just for today — be the change you want to see. One little action step can be the catalyst that moves your life forward.” — Josh Hinds


“The point at which one adds action to an idea or endeavor is the moment at which clarity for the details begins to unfold.” — Josh Hinds


“Embrace the challenges life has thrown your way. Knowing each has sculpted you into the magnificent person you are. Easy? No, but necessary.” — Josh Hinds


“Keep the things you want to accomplish nearby. Look around you right now. Can you see your actions list? No? Then it’s not close enough.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Before heading to sleep do you plug in “positive” thoughts? What about before starting your day? Do you set the tone? Your thoughts matter.” — Josh Hinds


“You create your reality one action at a time. Small actions count too.” — Josh Hinds


“If you’ll show people you care and truly want to help through your actions, you won’t have to waste time trying to convince them with words.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Mistakes aren’t meant to be shackles. Instead they’re lessons from which we can choose to learn from. Always be asking “what’s the lesson?” — Josh Hinds


“Dare to dream, but even more importantly, dare to put action behinds your dreams.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Always ask, “what in this is actionable?” When the answer reveals itself don’t over think it. Simply do, evaluate and repeat right actions.” — Josh Hinds


“Make a habit of doing just one thing that stretches your comfort zone. Building courage is an investment that yield countless opportunities.” — Josh Hinds


“Your actions will dictate the level of success you attain. Scary, perhaps, but oh so liberating and empowering!”
— Josh Hinds


“Do those daily actions that need to be done and before you know it you’ll look up in astonishment at how far you’ve come! Make the choice to live on purpose.” — Josh Hinds


“‘Ya never know who is watching (someone always is) so you’ve got to always let your servants heart shine!”
— Josh Hinds


“To be influential in the life of but one person is to have truly lived! Don’t delay, make the choice today.”
— Josh Hinds


“A significant life is built day in & day out. Start living your life on purpose.”
— Josh S. Hinds


“Plan for the future, but don’t neglect giving yourself the gift of the present as well. Keep the balance.”
— Josh Hinds


“Just for today, in the very moment you find yourself now, choose to live bigger than you think possible.”
— Josh Hinds


“Don’t fear the mistakes you make, fear the ones you never take. Remember, it’s your life, LIVE BIG!”
— Josh Hinds


“Believe in yourself and fan the flame of belief each day. Before long you’ll see a person staring back at you who realizes their greatness.” — Josh Hinds


“Shift your mindset from one of failure when you fall short to one of joy from having learned from the experience. Experience is priceless.” — Josh Hinds


“Embrace the unknown. Being scared at times is OK, staying stuck isn’t. At all costs overcome your fears and release your potential.” — Josh Hinds


“If you wish to live a magical life — spend time trying to create an enchanted experience for everyone you come into contact with.” — Josh Hinds


“The most amazing things happens when you become a builder of people. You begin to attract others into your life who do the same for you.” — Josh Hinds


“When you do an unexpected kind act for another you naturally elevate yourself in their eyes. Plus you get to feel good as a bonus.” — Josh Hinds


“Connecting at a higher level with folks is often as simple as looking for the hidden opportunities to do cool things for others.” — Josh Hinds


“We often look at the whole, when breaking things down into small steps would serve us better. Instead decide on an action, do it and repeat.” — Josh S. Hinds


“Each and every day remind yourself that you can steer your outcome in any direction you wish by the actions you take.” — Josh Hinds


“One of the greatest gifts you can give another is to help them let their light shine as brightly as possible.”
— Josh Hinds


“Set a course for your life. The actions you take on a daily basis become the sum total of the life you live.”
— Josh Hinds


“We create the results we want (or don’t want), by the daily actions we take. At the end of the day evaluate your actions and plan for tomorrow. — Josh Hinds


“We become what we want to become by 1) accepting it as our reality 2) taking honest daily action on the thing or idea 3) holding that vision.” — Josh Hinds


“We tend to get back what we put out. Therefore it pays to be asking the question: who have I built up and encouraged today?” — Josh S. Hinds


“You don’t have to be a larger than life personality to succeed. You need only be the best you, you can be. But you must do it daily.” — Josh Hinds


“Practice authenticity. It wasn’t until I told my story, with all its challenges and imperfections that I began inspire others in a BIG way.” — Josh Hinds


“Stretch your comfort zone just a bit today. Then tomorrow. Before you know it you’ll look up in awe at how far you’ve come!”
— Josh Hinds


“In order to grow through adversity one must accept the basic premise that all things, good, bad, and sad occur for a greater purpose.” — Josh Hinds


“When we are doing our best in a given situation opportunities find us and reveal themselves to us.” — Josh Hinds


“To succeed in your endeavor do something each day directly related to what you wish to achieve. Simple to do, but also simple not to do.” — Josh Hinds


“If you wish to be a great leader, model other great leaders. Read the books, but don’t neglect the need to apply what you learn.” — Josh Hinds


“Now is the time to go for your dream. When you question yourself you give power to your procrastination monster.” — Josh Hinds


“You’ve got to be one of the biggest advocates of your goals and dreams. Believe in your dreams and get started now making them happen.” — Josh Hinds


“Pick one thing that once completed will have a positive impact on your life – and do it! Don’t over think it. Just do it. Action creates momentum.” — Josh Hinds


“Even the tiniest of actions is all it takes to set you in the direction of your dreams. Take action daily and be amazed how far life takes you.” — Josh Hinds


“The butterfly effect is alive and well. Don’t allow others to convince you that your actions don’t make a difference. They absolutely do!” — Josh Hinds


“No matter what you may believe you have amazing talents. What you do with those talents day to day is up to you. Choose to do BIG things!” — Josh Hinds


“See in your minds eye what you want to achieve, but don’t leave it there! Make a point to put action behind your ideas.” — Josh Hinds


“Take time each day to reconnect with why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place. Breathe and visualize your desired outcome.” — Josh Hinds


“Repeat after me: “my presence is a gift to this world!” If you don’t believe yourself when you say it, keep repeating it till you do.” — Josh Hinds


“Action creates a snowball effect. If you feel stuck do something, even if it feels wrong. Inaction only creates more of the same.”
— Josh Hinds


“How you start your day can set its entire tone. Instead of just “letting things unfold” write down your days intention on a 3×5 card. It’s a valuable component to living on purpose.” — Josh Hinds


“When we enjoy what we do, personally and professionally it’s like applying the “law of least resistance” to our given endeavor.”
— Josh S. Hinds


“What we think about can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The question to ask then is are your thoughts serving you or not?”
— Josh Hinds


“A day will be exactly what you choose to make of it. Today, choose BIG!” — Josh Hinds


“Guard against inaction — it tends to breed more of the same.” — Josh Hinds


“The very doing of a thing makes it so. Isn’t it funny that procrastination is overcome by simply doing the thing you’re neglecting?”
— Josh Hinds


“To reach a goal — keep it front and center. Even a simple sticky not in the right place can work wonders!”
— Josh Hinds


“Maintaining a high level of motivation is largely a matter of staying connected to your motive or reason you’re doing a thing.”
— Josh Hinds


“Show me a person who is willing to get started and learn along the way and I’ll show you someone who will eventually succeed.”
— Josh Hinds


“You’ve got to believe in the power of your own dreams before anyone else can. Your belief grows with each action you take.”
— Josh Hinds


“Every positive interaction you have with someone has the potential to send that person into the marketplace singing your praises. Of course you’ve also got to remember that any negative experience has the power to do the opposite. To the best of your ability strive to create positive interactions with those you come into contact with.
— Josh Hinds


“Stop. take a deep breath and reconnect with exactly why you doing the work you do. The answer is your fuel to move forward.”
— Josh Hinds


“Simple minds envy the success of others, while a far more sensible and productive use of one’s time would be to work to join their ranks.” — Josh Hinds


“Your presence is a gift to this world. Each day look for ways to share your unique gifts and talents with others.”
— Josh Hinds


“Standing out in the marketplace is often as easy making others feel special. always be asking: how can I show appreciation?”
— Josh Hinds


“If you just start, even in a small way initially you will find that life has a way of filling in the details and propelling you forward.”
— Josh Hinds


If you can’t manage massive action to start. Remember, even the smallest of actions has a ripple effect! The key then is to get started now!” — Josh S. Hinds


“Everyone who has accomplished anything of significance has one thing in common. They got started! If a dream stirs in your heart, you owe it to yourself to give it a go. Don’t sell yourself short. You never know what you’re capable of until you give your all to its pursuit.” — Josh Hinds


“Choosing to be interested in others allows you to build greater influence in your network because, sadly, so few put forth the effort in to really get to know the needs and wants of others first. Let’s face it, We all want to be heard. Really listening to someone is an incredible gift you can give another, which just happens to have unintended positive effects of making you appreciated.” – Josh Hinds


“It’s true that our goals are set to attain the things we want to accomplish in the future, but make no mistake, we tend to attempt new opportunities based on what our “frame of reference” leads us to believe we are capable of. For this reason it’s really important to look back on our past successes and give ourselves due credit for a “job well done.” What’s a goal you’ve achieved that you’re proud of? I could choose many, but one in particular is getting to work from wherever I want, when I want. Like today, I plan to do some writing at a local Starbucks in the Birmingham area prior to a meeting I have there (admittedly this wouldn’t be a stellar achievement to most, but it’s a win for me, because it validates in my own mind that I’m living out one of the benefits of a goal I set years ago).

In summary, don’t think your goals have to be monumental in nature to count as wins. Consistency over time gets you where you want to go anyway — most of the time. Celebrate the progress you’ve made in the past, and keep in mind that it has played a part of your overall growth to this point in your life.” — Josh Hinds


“Living BIG is about choosing to live on purpose rather than happenstance.” — Josh Hinds


“It is interesting to me that many who fall out of love discount the entire relationship as a waste of time, or default to anger towards the other person, or themselves for having “been dumb enough to get mixed up with their past love in the first place.” Certainly, in most cases there were good times at some point in the relationship, even if they appear to be eclipsed now by the “not so happy memories.” Friend, opt instead to call it a learning experience, rather than a waste or failure.

Think of it like this, if your loved one passed away, and you found yourself alone, you wouldn’t say it was a waste because you didn’t get to experience “forever” with them would you? You’d be sad, devastated, angry when you think of all the memories you would feel cheated out of ever getting to experience with your lost love (all rightfully so I might add), but you wouldn’t beat yourself up over having made the mistake of “wasting your time.” And you wouldn’t think ill of them because life circumstances changed, and they’re no longer in your life. Obviously it isn’t the exact same, but hopefully the illustration makes sense just the same.

I want to be clear that I’m certainly not suggesting all relationships are good, nor that in all cases are they even particularly healthy, nor in some cases should they ever even have been in the first place perhaps. That said, look to separate the good times from the reasons things may or may not have worked out. Make the decision to move forward in your life taking what was good, hopefully the lessons you learned from the experience and use them to make your next relationship the best it can be. If we hold onto ill will for those we once cared for in our past we end up holding onto it far longer than it is healthy to do so. However, if we can hold instead to what was good we can move on and better accept the good that life has in store for us.

Lord knows I’m the first to admit this is easier said then done. Yet, adopting this outlook changes you in a positive way. It puts you in alignment to accept whatever good awaits you. And, as someone far worse than me said, “give away what you want in your life, if you want love, give and show love — no matter how difficult that may be to do.” Fair or not, when we hold on to times we feel wronged, legitimate or not we are the only ones who experience the negative feelings associated with doing so. Right or wrong, the other person has moved on.”

— Josh Hinds


“The feelings associated with a lost love can be devastating, but far worse is to stay stuck in all that didn’t work out. Instead, strive to think of the good times you shared, even if you feel as though you have to think a little harder to find them (understand I’m not saying you forget the reasons things didn’t work out. That has lessons in it too). What I am saying is, don’t beat yourself up over “what might have been.” Instead, focus in on what’s surely ahead. Friend, move confidently in the assurance that a higher power has a plan far greater for you than you could have possibly created on your own.” — Josh Hinds


“Lost love can be one of the hardest things to work through. It’s called heartbreak for a reason. That said, strive to look for the lessons that can be learned during your time together, as well as the good times you shared. Defaulting to all that was bad about your time together is easy, but it keeps you stuck in a place you don’t want to be. Make the decision to release the negative and you’ll be way better off, not to mention more prepared to accept what life has in store for you.”

— Josh Hinds


“Lost love is one of the hardest things to get over. They call it heartbreak for a reason after all. Far worse though is to never have ventured into it in the first place. In all relationships there are opportunities for growth, assuming we can get past the part of ourselves which attempts to stay mired in all that was bad about the relationship. If you can connect with the good times, you get to carry those into your next relationship and build upon them. Making your new relationship even better, and more fulfilling. Unfortunately, if you never release the negative experiences of your last relationship there’s a real chance it will follow you into your next one as well. And that is reason enough to focus in on the good times. Certainly it can be a difficult thing to do, but it is doable if you’re committed to doing so.”

— Josh Hinds


“Simple minds envy the success of others, while a far more sensible & productive use of one’s time would be to work to join their ranks.” — Josh Hinds

* If you enjoyed any of the quotes above please consider adding copies of my books, and audio program to your library. Take a moment to learn more about the inspirational books I’ve written.

Thank you,
Josh Hinds