Category Archives: Motivation

Just for Today By Josh Hinds

I’m convinced that if we could just believe we have what it takes to accomplish our hearts desires we would do that far more often. We would at least try. And friend, make no mistake, giving it the old college try is often all that’s really needed to get the results we’re after. Sadly, we often allow all sorts of things to get in our way and block us from doing what’s necessary to make things happen.

Just for today — and in the event that the entire day is too scary — suspend your disbelief just for a moment and consider the following…

* Just for today act as if you can accomplish whatever your mind can conceive.… Read the rest of the article

The Hardest Part is the Start – Achieving Your Dream By Josh Hinds

Perhaps the most delicate point of any worthwhile undertaking is the beginning. I have seen far too many people literally overplan to the point that they never got any traction, and as a result never got started in the first place. Another dream wasted. The other side of that is the person who goes off half-cocked with little more then a random thought they think might work. Friend, it takes balance for sure, but you can make it work.

Start with the understanding that you need to be able to take your idea, and break it down into workable action steps.… Read the rest of the article

Your Potential is Unlimited. Believe it!

“Life is all about trying ones best. Friend, you don’t have to get things perfect everytime. The truth is if you will give your best effort in all your endeavors you’ll inevitably find that to be more than enough to amass great rewards in life.

Don’t allow people to convince you otherwise. You can’t even begin to fathom the full potential you possess. That said, to realize your full potential you must show faith in your ability through your daily actions.… Read the rest of the article

Productivity Lesson: All Tasks Are Not Created Equal By Josh Hinds

In the message below I share a lesson I teach in my speaking presentation titled, ‘Lessons For Living BIG!‘ called, “All Tasks Are Not Created Equal”. In summary think of it like this:

Everyday we have things which are required of us. Some of them popup unexpectedly. If we aren’t careful to plan, and purposefully work on the most important tasks there’s a real danger that we can get caught up plugging away on the tasks which show up, even though doing so may not really be the “best use” of our time.… Read the rest of the article

Defining What it Means to LIVE BIG! By Josh Hinds

Friend, I hope that you find the ideas I’m going to share here helpful. In the short video that follows I discuss what it means when I say, It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG! — if you’re familiar with my work you know I say it ALL the time 🙂

Here’s a hint: It’s all about defining what’s most important to you, formulating a plan to achieve it (setting the necessary goals), and getting in the activity and going for it — having the heart to see things through.… Read the rest of the article

A Lesson On Never Judging a Book By Its Cover By Josh Hinds

Now friend, I don’t claim to be perfect in this area, but I do try. And, as a fella’ much wiser then me once said, “shoot for the moon, because even if you fall short, you’ll land among the stars” (note: I originally heard this quoted by Les Brown, but since then I’ve also heard it credited to others as well). One of the most important lessons I was taught at a pretty young age was not to look down on others.… Read the rest of the article