Category Archives: Motivation

Don’t be Afraid to Set Lofty Goals

It seems that fewer people are dreaming big dreams, and of those who do, even fewer are willing to go as far as to craft a plan in the form of a goal, which will outline the actions necessary to get them the results they desire.

You’re not chained to the same outcome as those around you…

Perhaps it’s the perception people have of the economy at the moment, or the stories they hear on the news of others experiencing challenging times.… Read the rest of the article

Blocking tics, Anxiety, and Working Through Life’s Setbacks

For those not familiar with this part of my story, there was a time in my life where I struggled with anxiety. In reality the word struggle is an understatement. It showed up about the same time that what I refer to as my “blocking tic” did. Think stutter on steroids and you’ve got an idea of what it was like. This was one of the more “interesting” Tourette’s syndrome symptoms I’ve experienced.

Yes, I was diagnosed with Tourette’s at a young age.… Read the rest of the article

Avoid the Entitlement Mindset — it’s Detrimental to Your Success

One of the things I had to get through my head early on, when I was working on my book, It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG! was the reality that…

I don’t have the “right” to a bestselling book.

It was important that I fully grasped that, because I needed to understand that beyond just getting the book completed and to my book publisher, like anything worthwhile, that would just be the beginning. And if I truly wanted to give the book its greatest chance at success, I was going to have to put a lot of additional ongoing effort into actually marketing & getting the word out about it.… Read the rest of the article

Encouraging Others Isn’t Just a Nice Thing to do — it Pays Dividends too!

Being seen as an encourager isn’t just something that’s nice to do, or makes others feel good. It can also be a real asset to develop for yourself. In a world where every seems have an attitude of “what’s in it for me” — being seen as a person who understands, and practices the power that building up and encouraging others players can really make you a standout type of person. The type of person that those who control or handout the opportunities want to connect with by the way.… Read the rest of the article

Opportunities Abound, but They Don’t Come With a Flashing Neon Sign

Opportunities abound, but in order to see more of them appear in our daily lives we must first be willing to accept this to be the case. Further, we must be willing to go after those opportunities with all we have.

Make no mistake, they’re called “opportunities”, and not guarantees for a reason.

That said, while it will require effort, and persistence on your part to succeed, take heart, for if it were not so, success would be far more common, and as a result, most likely, far less valued.… Read the rest of the article

Life’s a grand adventure — choose to live it!

Friend, make no mistake — life is a grand adventure. While that is absolutely true, you must be willing to accept that it is up to you to make it so. Yes, fair or not, that’s the reality.

It is true, you and I have to make the decision, day in and day out to take whatever steps are required in order to live a “life well lived.”

The reason I am so sure that life can be what you want to make it, is because countless people, many with far greater challenges then you or I could even fathom have done just that.… Read the rest of the article