Category Archives: Motivation

We tend to attract into our life that which we’re first willing to give away

Friend, when you develop the habit of looking out for the best in others you inevitably find that you attract others who act in kind. Take a moment now to think about those in your life who you appreciate. What’s one thing you can do right now to acknowledge them — to make them feel truly appreciated. My next question is what are you waiting on?

Consider the words of Mahatma Gandhi who said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”Read the rest of the article

Advice for Goal Setting and Achieving Success

In the following message I’m going to share some advice on how to set and achieve your goals using a system I teach and speak on called the Goal Cards System. Friend, whatever you want to see show up in your life is going to take your commitment to see it through. Therefore, you’re going to have an infinitely better chance of achieving the things you aspire to if you make use of a good, solid action oriented goal setting plan.… Read the rest of the article

How to Use Mini Vision boards to Achieve Your Goals

Here is a message on how to use a form of a vision board in order to provide some added fuel (in the form of visualization) behind your pursuit of the goals you set.

You have probably seen visualization in play many times, and may never realized it. For example, if you have ever seen an athlete close their eyes, seemingly relax just a bit, just prior to their athletic endeavor it was likely you were witnessing them “visualizing” their perfect outcome.… Read the rest of the article

The Law of Diminishing Intent – Advice for Getting More Done

In the following message I share the ideas behind the Law of Diminishing Intent. In summary, this is the idea that the longer you allow yourself to put off doing what you know needs done — the less likely you will be to ever achieve your given undertaking.

Friend, if you want to get more things done, and experience more successful outcomes, give the ideas shared in the following video some thought. I believe you’ll find them to be helpful as you move along your personal success journey.… Read the rest of the article

Goal Setting Advice – Going Beyond New Years Resolutions

In the following video message I share ideas on how to move past the shortcomings sometimes associated with setting New Years Resolutions, and give you some ideas on how to go about seeing more of the things you would like to accomplish go from want to, to completed.

I hope you found the ideas above helpful. Your thoughts and feedback are appreciated if you would like to leave a comment below.

And remember…

It’s Your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds… Read the rest of the article

Can’t Never Could

The other day I was thinking about a teacher I had in grade school who used to always say, “can’t never could.” Like most kids in school (me we’d try to convince her of all the reasons we couldn’t do something, or why something was too difficult — she wouldn’t buy it, she’d just repeat, “can’t never could.”

I’m sure as much as it drove all of us nuts to hear it, it must have been twice as frustrating for her to have had to say it repeatedly to all us kids, but she did anyway.… Read the rest of the article