Category Archives: Motivation

Live BIG, stop existing webinar – session 1 – with Josh Hinds and Kimanzi Constable

What follows is the replay of the first, in what will be an ongoing series of webinars that my friend, and colleague Kimanzi Constable and I are doing, titled: Live BIG, stop existing. In this session Kimanzi shares on identifying your dream — and I share on the importance of defining success, and what a difference doing so can make.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds

PS. I’m the author of It’s Your life, LIVE BIG and Why Perfect Timing is a Myth.… Read the rest of the article

You are far greater than the labels people place on you

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” – Les Brown

Don’t allow the label that someone else puts on you to determine what you’re capable of. The “label” you may have worn, or used to describe yourself in the past is no more valid now (or the moment you decide to leave it behind) than it ever has been. The fact is, you were made to achieve things far beyond what you may believe you’re capable of.… Read the rest of the article

Action is the first step towards greatness

“A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. Practice being a “doer”! – Josh Hinds

Consider saving the above quote somewhere that you are sure to see it often, perhaps on your desk, vehicle dashboard, or on a sticky note attached to your computer monitor. It’s a simple message, but it holds the keys to unlocking whatever deep seeded desire or dream you may have for yourself. No matter how BIG a vision you have for how you want your life to look, you’ve got to get the “action” side of things down.… Read the rest of the article

Don’t default to doubt. Choose possibility thinking

Consider the following quote…

“Spend more time asking why not. There are far too many folks saying things can’t be done. The problem is that they’re often left behind by the ones making things happen!”

Please know that I’m not suggesting you run haphazardly through life with rose colored glasses, but instead that you simply take the time to develop your “possibility” muscles.

Sadly, there’s a natural tendency, perhaps to protect ourselves from disappointment, which attempts to keep us from believing in the incredible talents and gifts that I believe we are all endowed with by a power far greater than ourselves.… Read the rest of the article

Celebrate your achievements

Keep the wind in your sails by celebrating your daily successes. Taking the time to acknowledge those times in your life when you’ve experienced “wins” is incredibly important.

Friend, doing so builds your belief system — and it’s no secret that what we believe we are capable of accomplishing has a major impact on what we’re willing to try. And of course, what we are willing to attempt ultimately determines what we end up achieving.

A simple exercise for ensuring you give yourself that well deserved “pat on the back” is to take a piece of paper and write down a minimum of 3 things you accomplished.… Read the rest of the article

A Quick and Easy Plan for Getting More Done

Take a moment right now to figure out just one thing, that if you were to complete would give you a sense of accomplishment for having achieved it.

Got it?

Awesome, now jot it down on paper so you take it from your mind to “the real world.”

Next, write down three actions you can take (as soon as possible, starting now!) that will lead you to complete what you wrote down above. Start on those three things now. If after completing them you haven’t achieved the thing, write three more things until you have.… Read the rest of the article