Category Archives: Motivation

The Magic Question By Josh Hinds

Sometimes you will find yourself on top of the world, at other times you may well feel as though the weight of the world is crashing down upon you, and yet at others you may find yourself somewhere in between, hopefully in a place much closer to the former than the latter.

Yes, life is a moving target. It has its twists, turns, ups and downs, but all in all even the most difficult of challenges can serve us and make us better in some way, provided we are willing to accept it to be true.… Read the rest of the article

How to Sustain Peak Motivation By Josh Hinds

I’m often asked, “What’s the best way to go about keeping my motivation for the task at hand from dwindling down on me?” — it’s an important question, and one that might be best answered by looking at the following example.

First, it’s worth considering that motivation is a state. Just as happiness is a state. Meaning, happiness is less a destination, or a place to “arrive at”, versus a feeling that one experiences in the given moment.

To further illustrate, consider just about every time you remember having felt a true sense of joy in your life.… Read the rest of the article

Your Good Deeds Make Their Way Back To You By Josh Hinds

Just for today find someone to encourage and inspire to reach their full potential. What you put out in the world will inevitably make its way back to you. I’m the first to admit that when we are experiencing particularly hard times this appears to be the farthest thing from the truth.

However, there are any number of reasons this is true, the simplest of which can be explained in that people as a general rule like to associate with, gravitate towards, and yes, when they’re in a position to do so make the choice to work with, and hire those people who have an upbeat and positive attitude — and who look for the good in situations.… Read the rest of the article

On Creating The Life You Want Through Your Actions By Josh Hinds

I hope you find the following quote & picture inspiring. As was once wisely said, “all else fails without first action.” I hope you will give some thought to the words in the quote below. As you move through your day, look for ways to adapt the main idea and remember that the actions you take, as well as don’t take act upon go into what you get out of life’s adventure.

The quote below reads: A day will never be anymore than what you make of it.… Read the rest of the article

The Multiplying Power of Encouragement By Josh Hinds

Find someone to encourage. Of all the gifts you possess truly one of the greatest is the ability to build up and
help another person to do the best they can.

An interesting thing happens when you give of this special gift — much in the same way a magnet works, you begin to pull into your life people, opportunities and life experiences of a positive nature.

To better understand this, consider the wise words which state simply, yet profoundly: “You reap what you sow”.… Read the rest of the article

The Art of Proactive Encouragement By Josh Hinds

There’s a saying that I believe holds true. It says, “if you wish to receive more of life’s rewards, look to create more value for others”.

The question then becomes how does one go about creating value. This is an area where most folks over think it in my humble opinion.

Giving value can, and does come in many forms. It can range from the referral which leads to a new source of business, all the way down to the person who shares a smile with another — that in turn helps them start their day on a positive note.… Read the rest of the article