Category Archives: Motivation

Goal Setting – Going From Start to Accomplished By Josh Hinds

Every day make the decision that you will make action your ally as you move confidently in the direction of the goals you set. Be sure that you’re taking ample time to evaluate the steps you’re taking to ensure they are in fact moving you in the right direction.

Friend, actions in and of themselves won’t guaranty that you will meet with your desired outcome. Right action is needed. What are “right actions” you ask? Consider the following example: If you practice a certain technique to the point that it becomes a habit, you will unfortunately have learned to do that thing the wrong way.… Read the rest of the article

The Paradox of Giving and Receiving By Josh Hinds

Wouldn’t it appear that giving, without regard to any outcome in return would be about the farthest thing from a conduit to receiving there is.

Yet time and time again, if we really think about it, we can see example after example where the act of first giving, whether of our time, or some thing, inevitably led to our receiving something of equal or greater value in return.

We don’t give to receive, yet it is as though that is of no consequence.… Read the rest of the article

Entrepreneurial Thinking – The Essential Skill Set By Josh Hinds

If you know my background you know that my interest and study of entrepreneurship and small business began when I started working in our family’s business at just 15 years of age.

In the years since, I’ve been involved in various businesses, ranging from start-ups to more established companies. In fact, on my fathers side of the family we have several generations of entrepreneurs and small business people, including my great grandfather, then my grandmother and one of my grandfathers, followed by my father, and two of his brothers, and then there’s me.… Read the rest of the article

Life Is a Numbers Game — Embrace it! By Josh Hinds

If you’re not familiar with my background I was fortunate fairly early in life, at 15 years old, to work in our family business (you can read my full story here).

Like most growing businesses, initially they will re-invest their resources to help fuel growth. Therefore, when I first got started working there really weren’t enough extra resources available to pay me to do menial jobs like taking out the trash or things which might have been more suited for someone of my age at the time.… Read the rest of the article

Achieve Big Results Using Simple Systems By Josh Hinds

When I am speaking to groups and organizations I’ll often joke with the audience by telling them I’m the person they bring out when they need something taught in such a simple way that absolutely everyone gets it. Perhaps it is my southern accent (I’m from Alabama) which often gets the audience chuckling a bit.

I’m only half joking though of course.

I love simple. Simple works. When things are explained in a simple enough manner things translate into results.… Read the rest of the article

Don’t Underestimate Your Greatness By Josh Hinds

As a whole I think there is a sad tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much greatness lies inside each and every one of us – just waiting to get out.

The reality is if you knew just how special you were – and how much greatness went into making you the unique you that you are I’m convinced you’d immediately know that nothing can truly keep you from achieving what you want in life.… Read the rest of the article