Category Archives: Business

How to Get Better Results When Requesting Joint Ventures (JV’s) — Hint: Don’t be Self-centered

This is going to be a bit more “business oriented” than some of my other writing. If that’s not your forte, you have my permission to tune out now. Or better yet, just peruse through any of the other posts I have written (there are many).

We’re going to discuss how to go about crafting joint ventures that don’t make you come across as self centered — and dare I say, actually be seen as someone others would want to enter into a proposed venture with.… Read the rest of the article

Bridge the gap between what you want to pursue, and what you actually do

Friend, make a point to bridge the time gap between how long it takes to think up your idea, and actually begin it. Most of the people I see who fall short of what they want to see show up in their lives, miss out not because they lack what it takes to achieve it, but rather, they fall prey to the “law of diminishing intent.” In other words, they never actually get started. They were well meaning, but they never allowed the rubber to meet the road.… Read the rest of the article

How To Create Amazing Customer Relationships By Josh Hinds

My friend and colleague Bob Burg hits the nail on the head when he says, “while you cannot control the economy…you can absolutely control your economy.” Wise words aren’t they? The lesson is one that many a business, small, large, and all sizes in between would do well to give some serious thought to.

We get caught up in outside sources, those things which we can’t directly control, like how healthy, or unhealthy the economy is. Trust me, I understand the whole “low hanging fruit” argument — and I’ll even concede that in most instances it’s easier to do business and make sales when everyone around us is doing better, unemployment is low, and more people have an abundance of money with which to purchase our products and services.… Read the rest of the article