All posts by Josh Hinds

Opportunities Abound, but They Don’t Come With a Flashing Neon Sign

Opportunities abound, but in order to see more of them appear in our daily lives we must first be willing to accept this to be the case. Further, we must be willing to go after those opportunities with all we have.

Make no mistake, they’re called “opportunities”, and not guarantees for a reason.

That said, while it will require effort, and persistence on your part to succeed, take heart, for if it were not so, success would be far more common, and as a result, most likely, far less valued.… Read the rest of the article

Life’s a grand adventure — choose to live it!

Friend, make no mistake — life is a grand adventure. While that is absolutely true, you must be willing to accept that it is up to you to make it so. Yes, fair or not, that’s the reality.

It is true, you and I have to make the decision, day in and day out to take whatever steps are required in order to live a “life well lived.”

The reason I am so sure that life can be what you want to make it, is because countless people, many with far greater challenges then you or I could even fathom have done just that.… Read the rest of the article

Believe in yourself first — and eventually everyone else will catch up

Friend, make no mistake, believing in yourself, particularly in the beginning is vital. It’s important because it sustains you as you pursue whatever you have determined to be worthwhile.

Don’t worry about who doubts you in the beginning. Stay the course — no matter how difficult — resist the urge to give up, because ultimately you will find that even those who arrive late to the party will still witness your celebration when you meet with success in your given undertaking.… Read the rest of the article

Bridge the Achievement Gap By Josh Hinds

Here’s an important lesson. If you fully grasp it it can be a real difference maker in your life. That said, make no mistake, it’s not something that you can do just once and expect it to be a game changer.Josh Hinds - Speaker and author

If, however, you can adopt this mindset you will see your personal productivity skyrocket.

What I’m suggesting to you is this:

Cultivate the habit of bridging the gap between the time it takes you to think of an idea and actually begin it.… Read the rest of the article

3 Essential Ingredients to Getting What You Want in Life By Josh Hinds

Friend, I won’t tell you that the three things I’m going to share with you here, are the end all to ensuring you find success in your given endeavors, but I do feel confident in saying that without any of the three present, and at work in your life, you may as well not even try. Because if any of them are missing, the odds are you’re going to find yourself in that place that so many do — stuck in the land of “wishing, and hoping.”… Read the rest of the article

Hey, Don’t Call Me A Motivational Speaker By Josh Hinds

I just got off a call with a really good friend and fellow speaker and author, Bob Burg. I had the great privilege of having him interview me about some topics from my book.

One question that Bob asked in particular really got me thinking. Bob brought up that he doesn’t like the term, “motivational speaker” and asked how I felt about being called that?

It’s not the first time I’ve ever been asked that question and while you might think it’s a simple one to answer, it is actually one that requires a bit of thought and reflection.… Read the rest of the article