All posts by Josh Hinds

Yes, that motivation stuff does work

If I’ve heard it once I have heard it a million times, “that motivation stuff is a waste of time — it doesn’t work”.

While I’ll state my case in depth below, why I disagree, in the event that you’re in a hurry, let me just say right here and now, for the record — in my opinion that’s absolutely not the case and totally untrue.

Here’s why…

Interestingly, the reasons people give as to why it doesn’t work is very much the same.… Read the rest of the article

Steps for overcoming Life’s tough stuff

People ask me how I get through life’s toughest times (yes we all have them)…

Here it is in 2 steps:

1) I do what I can do. There are always steps and actions I need to take, no matter what the challenge, difficulty, heartache, no matter what it is, I do what only I can do. The parts I can do, I do. I don’t expect those to be magically done for me. I don’t have a leprechaun in my pocket to grant wishes for me 🙂

2) For the parts that are above my pay grade, the insurmountable, the “impossible” parts, I close my eyes, look up and hand off the rest, and believe it’ll workout as it should.… Read the rest of the article

Thoughts on dealing with lost love and heartbreak

Lost love can be one of the hardest things to overcome. They call it heartbreak for a reason after all. Far worse though is to never have ventured into it in the first place. In all relationships there are opportunities for growth, assuming we can get past the part of ourselves which attempts to stay mired in all that was bad about the relationship.

Friend, if you can connect with the good times, you get to carry those into your next relationship and build upon them.… Read the rest of the article

Live BIG, stop existing webinar – Session 2 – with Josh Hinds and Kimanzi Constable

Here is the second session in the seminar series that Kimanzi Constable and I are doing called, Live BIG, stop existing (which by the way is called, that because it includes words from both our books).

In this training we get into specific strategies you can use begin getting the results you long for in life. We hope you find the ideas shared helpful. Remember, what you learn will work, if you’re willing to do the work.

It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!… Read the rest of the article

Three Ingredients for Living a BIG Life

Here three things you can do to begin living a BIG life…

1. Start your day in gratitude. At times, this may appear easier said than done. Especially if you’re at a time in your life where it might appear that there’s far more to be concerned about than thankful for. Still, trust me, even if you have to dig a little deeper to identify those things, do it. It will do wonders for helping you to set the tone for your day.… Read the rest of the article

Live BIG, stop existing webinar – session 1 – with Josh Hinds and Kimanzi Constable

What follows is the replay of the first, in what will be an ongoing series of webinars that my friend, and colleague Kimanzi Constable and I are doing, titled: Live BIG, stop existing. In this session Kimanzi shares on identifying your dream — and I share on the importance of defining success, and what a difference doing so can make.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds

PS. I’m the author of It’s Your life, LIVE BIG and Why Perfect Timing is a Myth.… Read the rest of the article