Resolutions or goals — what’s the difference you ask?
Admittedly, a small distinction in wording, but it isn’t actually as small a difference as you might think.
Here’s what I’m suggesting. The very wording “new year resolution” gives one the wiggle room to stop the thing completely, should they lose interest in it, or happen to have a few days where they neglect to do what is needed to stay on track. Plus, there’s always that idea that if they fall off the wagon — there is always next year — it’s as though it is easier to give yourself permission to just quit and pick up next January (which of course rarely happens).
Using the term goals, rather then new years resolutions, while a tiny distinction in wording in fact can make all the difference for several reasons.
* You go into the goal setting experience understanding that it is not something that has to be completed totally uninterrupted, and should you find that you end up taking a break from your goal it is perfectly acceptable to come back to it at the very moment when you are reminded that you wish to do so.
In other words when you use the term goals versus new years resolutions you go into it with an understanding that you will stick with them until they are completed and will come back to them in the event that you end up losing focus on what you need to be working on for a brief period of time.
Consistency is critical in goal setting
There is no shortage of ways to go about setting goals. Rather then focus on specific techniques I’m going to discuss how important consistency is with regards to achieving what you set out to accomplish.
Friend, more often than not the difference between seeing your goal through and falling short gets down to your ability to remain engaged in the activity.
Make no mistake — consistency is vitally important. I would offer the following suggestion to help ensure you reach more of your goals. Develop the habit of writing out your goals each and every day. It’s repetitive for sure, but that repetition is precisely what makes it work. Keep a journal or 3×5 index cards, whatever is most convenient and rewrite those goals every day. Doing so will do wonders for keeping you involved in what’s required of you to achieve what you have set for yourself.
Your ability to practice consistency in your goal setting will ensure you accomplish far more of the things you set out to do. Make that commitment and you will find that it makes all the difference.
It’s your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds
PS. If you would like to have me speak to your group or organization drop me a note or give me a call. I look forward to inspiring your group!