It seems that fewer people are dreaming big dreams, and of those who do, even fewer are willing to go as far as to craft a plan in the form of a goal, which will outline the actions necessary to get them the results they desire.
You’re not chained to the same outcome as those around you…
Perhaps it’s the perception people have of the economy at the moment, or the stories they hear on the news of others experiencing challenging times. People see others having a hard time, and their default is to believe that because someone else is experiencing challenges, then surely they are going to as well. Nothing could be further from the truth – unless of course you choose to believe that is the case, and if you do choose it then you are very likely to see more of it show up in your life.
I’m not wearing rose colored glasses, but you do play a part…
Please understand that I’m not saying that we can simply wish away the things which are out of our control. I wouldn’t dare insult your intelligence that way. Rather, what I’m suggesting is that the way we choose to react to what happens to us does play a part in whatever eventual outcomes we experience.
I like what my friend and colleague, Bob Burg says, “You cannot control “The” Economy but you can absolutely control “Your” economy.”
I hope that you will give that some serious thought, because there’s something truly empowering about accepting that we are not simply pawns left to blow aimlessly through life, and that we do have a part to play in how our lives play out.
There are always examples of those who have succeeded during difficult times…
Here’s a truth I want you to keep in mind — even during the most challenging of economic times you can find real examples of ordinary people who went on to make their dreams a reality, in-spite of what conventional wisdom said was supposed to be possible.
Friend, what I hope to impress upon you, is that you play an active role in what your life can look like, and what you can accomplish, both personally and professionally.
Don’t make the mistake of believing that your ship is tied to the actions or results that others experience. You are as capable as anyone of succeeding in your endeavors. You are just as capable of taking your ideas, breathing life into them and seeing them become a reality. Provided of course that you are willing to get on with the business of doing what is required of you.
Bridge the gap between idea and action…
In order to get the results you’re after, you need to understand the idea behind what I call “bridging the gap between idea, and action.” Make no mistake, the quicker you can take your idea from thought, to some real action, the greater the likelihood it will be that you meet with success — the opposite is also true — in that the longer you wait — the more likely it will be that you never get past the “planning phase.”
Friend, while it’s true you can accomplish great things, you must be willing to get started. Fortunately, getting started requires little more than taking the time to set a goal. The goal you set is the plan you’ll take which will ultimately get you to your intended destination.
Far too often, this is the sticking point for many. For a whole host of reasons people never get started – instead they allow fear and doubt to get in the way of ever actually beginning.
I’ll concede that putting your dream on paper can be scary, especially if you don’t have any past accomplishments to prop up your belief system already. That said, consider what would be far more dreadful, to die with your dream still in you, left wondering what might have been had you just been able to move past your fear.
As somebody who in the past, let fear get in the way of things I wanted to see show up in my life, and fortunately overcame that fear, I can tell you it’s not something you want to let beat you.
Consider the quote that says, “fear stands for false evidence appearing real.” I can tell you from experience that an interesting thing happens in the very moment in which we decide to look whatever we are fearing in the face and move on in spite of it. Incredibly the fear we once felt begins to subside and suddenly we begin to move forward with confidence.
Make the choice to be a person who bucks the trend and sets lofty goals, and dreams big dreams. If you can do this, you will amaze yourself by what you are capable of, and the vast experiences you will have in life.
Don’t let others determine your altitude…
Don’t allow others to dictate what you are capable of achieving. Dream big, and bring your dreams to life by working the goals you set. Now, more than ever the world needs you to make your dreams a reality, so others can look to your example, and gain strength in knowing that they too can succeed.
Friend, make no mistake…
It’s your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds
-how do you go about setting goals? What have you found that works for you?