Find someone to encourage. Of all the gifts you possess truly one of the greatest is the ability to build up and
help another person to do the best they can.
An interesting thing happens when you give of this special gift — much in the same way a magnet works, you begin to pull into your life people, opportunities and life experiences of a positive nature.
To better understand this, consider the wise words which state simply, yet profoundly: “You reap what you sow”. In short, what you put out to the world makes its way back to you. My friend, if you’ll concede that there’s truth in that wouldn’t it make sense to be proactive when it comes to looking for ways to encourage others? I think so!
Going forward begin to look at your life as though you are an artist with the ability to paint on your canvas a magnificent masterpiece. While this in itself is incredible — consider that you also have the added advantage of literally being able to start a new work of art at will.
In the moment you find yourself on a path which doesn’t serve you, you can choose to course correct. You have the ability to succeed at whatever you desire. Let go of the broken idea that it has to happen overnight in order to be deemed a success.
Take joy in your achievement journey, knowing that as long as you stay in the game, and allow yourself to learn the lessons which can be gleaned from any challenges which may pop up along the way you will reach your intended destination.
You were made for greatness — believe it and live your life with an outlook of exploration and a willingness to let your gifts and talents flow.
It’s your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds