Bridge the gap between what you want to pursue, and what you actually do

Friend, make a point to bridge the time gap between how long it takes to think up your idea, and actually begin it. Most of the people I see who fall short of what they want to see show up in their lives, miss out not because they lack what it takes to achieve it, but rather, they fall prey to the “law of diminishing intent.” In other words, they never actually get started. They were well meaning, but they never allowed the rubber to meet the road.

Certainly, you want to plan, but you really do need to be careful not to get stuck, as so many do, in the eternal planning phase. Life moves so fast, and pulls us in so many different directions that unless we get into the activity we deem worthy of our time we are far less likely to ever begin. If you want to get more done then cultivate the mindset that you will be a person who puts action to work in your life and bridges the gap between what you want to pursue, and what you actually do.

An amazing thing happens when you get into the activity — the details begin to come together and your own productivity kicks in. Keep in mind the following saying, “what we give our attention too, gets done, more often than not.”

To better keep your attention where it needs to be make use of action lists — using 3×5 index cards, or even reminders on your phone if you prefer, and write down the things you want to give your attention to. Make sure you see those reminders and you’ll have far greater odds that you’ll take action on those items, which will lead to more of your goals becoming a reality. It sounds like simple advice, because it is. Make no mistake, life doesn’t have to be difficult.


It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds

-Anything you would like to add or share about the ideas above are welcome in the comments below.